The Fleming family has been rooted in agriculture for 6 generations in the Blackland Prairie in Troy, Texas. We grow corn, wheat & raise cattle. We strive for a quality product & use our own commodities to feed cattle from our ranches to provide grass fed, grain finished beef.
Hope, Augustus, Dakota, Robert, Josh & Lynn
Being a family run farm and ranch, we are out with the cattle everyday. It's hands-on and hard work. But we love providing a great tasting and nutritious product for families across Texas.
Growing pasture to plate beef isn't something that happens overnight. From the time the calves are born to the time they reach the table, it takes around 18 - 22 months. The cattle are born on our ranch and don't leave until they are taken to the processor. Our cattle are fed for a minimum of 150 days, eating a special made feed, developed by Purina Mills, that we grow the ingredients for.
Our beef can be bought by halves, whole, quarter calf or by our box selection. Each calf will grade choice, possibly even prime! If you choose a half or whole calf, you deside how your beef is processed. The cut sheet is customizable to exactly what fit your family. We like to say that the beef we provide is the quality you would see behind the glass meat counter at the grocery store or butcher.
Lower cost- By purchasing in bulk options, you are spreading the cost of the purchase across many cuts. The cattle are owned by one producer (our family) and transported only once, meaning less hands on the product. This helps your bottom dollar.
Customizable- You can choose how you want your beef processed.Hamburger can be in one or two pound packages, steaks can be cut to your desired thickness, and even specialty cuts- it's all up to you!
Dependability- No more relying on the grocery store for availability of beef. Just go to your freezer and pull out what you want. We can reduce those dreaded and expensive grocery store runs!